The legendary photographer Fan Ho was an initial inspiration for this project, with his depiction of industrialization in 1950's Hong Kong; high contrast images of everyday people dwarfed by their surrounding environment and part of a wider organism, almost like cogs in a machine.
Strangers from the Shadows adapts this idea to contemporary Europe, specifically urban Italy. What was once seen as the land of ancient traditions and slow-paced living has been gradually globalized, becoming a bigger, more fast-paced society with its own industrial revolution in progress: the machine age.Each of the subjects are anonymous figures in the crowd until the lens focuses on them, plucking them out of the shadows and placing them at centre stage.
The shadow represents that obscure side within us which lives outside of our ego or culture and reflects who we truly are behind the curtains; a mystery even to ourselves. It also symbolically reflects the voice of the unheard and the left behind.
“Everyone carries a shadow, and the less it is embodied in the individual’s conscious life, the blacker and denser it is."
- Karl Jung.